Fitness club analytics - Dashboard


Check out the Manager Panel, the tool created in cooperation with owners and managers of fitness clubs. A constantly expanding analytical panel that presents key parameters from the point of view of your business.

Dashboard –
Verify strategy

Check the condition of your club by reaching for KPIs that show the strengths and weaknesses of your business. Clear charts and parameters guide you through the stages of developing a long-term development strategy. Check what types of passes sell well and at what times clients visit the selected facility more often. Control how much revenue your business generates on a daily, monthly or quarterly basis.

Przykłady dashboardu Panlu Managera GYMMANAGER

See how your club achieves your goals:

Sale: passes and contracts

Data about your clients and their profile

Class and room reservations

Summary of satisfaction ratings


Get to know
your clients

new members of the fitness club report

Learn about new club members – analyze stats. See which sales channels are bringing in new clients the most.


Look at how long members spend in your facility to see patterns in their member lifecycle.

GYMMANAGER report sales divided into the sale of passes and contracts

Take a look at contracts for a blueprint of how much revenue you can expect. Reach out ahead of time to clients with contracts coming to an end or with any outstanding balances.

discount codes in the fitness club report

See which customers use discount codes. Make sure employees provide them in justified cases.

Verify your
team`s work

Employee’s activity in the fitness club eport

Check on employee performance – rewards those that bring in the most revenue. See what discounts are being given out at select locations, with an indicator for a particular employee and sales channel.

access control in the fitness club

Oversee your team’s activity during the day. Identify any discrepancies in the selling of products and services according to employees’ activities.

Look at the club`s offer
from the client`s perspective

Fitness class reservation report

Analyze statistics on cancelled and missed booking classes. Discuss with your team how they can change the situation.

customer experience in the fitness club

Check how club members rate the club and its offer. Respond to troublesome situations in advance.

Estimate revenue
plan expenses


See how well performing products and services are selling in your club. Filter the shopping cart to selected club members.


Generate report on entries to the club – analyse the most popular classes.


Monitor stock levels for select locations. Review daily sales reports by payment method, with a quick view of each location’s point of sale.

Fitness club analytics

manage the facility

Prepare your facility for earning revenue. Provide functionalities that club members use. Specify the required actions, procedures that are important to you and your team. Ensure that the entire client’s shopping path and client activity on-premises at the facility are well thought out regarding the facility management system. Use also the data provided by the POS application. Grow your business in well controlled conditions.

Integrate your business with the Manager’s Panel – for demanding users.

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